Frequently asked questions.

1. What’s different between Saturday & Sunday’s events ?

There is no Festival component on the Saturday. Saturday is for competitor bump in, admin, scrutineering, driver briefing, practice and some timed runs if time allows.

Sunday brings the fun of the Festival along with the Hillclimb Competition.

2. Are dogs allowed ?

Although we love our dogs, unfortunately there is a no dogs allowed policy on site. Sorry Muttley (from Wacky Racers), you’ll have to stay at home.

3. Is there provision for Disabled parking ?

Yes, there are arrangements for drop off and pick up for disabled patrons. However we remind all patrons that the Hillclimb track is located on undulating land formerly grazing land, and can to steep to walk to the spectator points. Some of the walkways are sealed, however expect that there are uneven walkways and paths on site, and if you require assistance you will be to have a helper, as our volunteers cannot help non ambulant visitors

4. Can I take photos ?

Yes and NO ! You are encouraged to take photos, and even give us some traffic on Social Media #robroyrevival.

However there are certain areas of the site that are off limits, unless you are an accredited photographer with Motorsport Australia. If you are an accredited Motorsport Australia photographer, please contact our Media team for accreditation and they will be able to guide you to vantage points not available to the public.

5. Will this be livestreamed ?

No, there is no provision to livestream this event

6. Why do I have to pay for carparking ?

Car parking is at a premium on site, as well as we wish to reduce traffic on local roads. We are encouraging you bring your friends and car pool, unless you have a classic car. Classic cars will be parked in a prominent location on the site and we encourage you to dress in a period that compliments your car.

7. Can I buy tickets on the day ?

Yes & No. The event is ticketed to manage numbers as the site is small and we cannot have large numbers of patrons turn up on the day and expect entry. We have a capacity limit on vehicles, and once that limit is reached there will be no tickets available for sale and this website will be updated to advise if either day is sold out.

8. Can I use EFTPos ?

Possibly. Mobile phone reception in the hills is poor, or not available. Depending on your carrier, the number of phones linked to the local cell tower will restrict communications, and whilst EFTpos works most times, it may not.

9. Can I bring a picnic ?

Yes, you are encouraged to come and spend the day at our wonderful venue, the site of the former “Clintons Teas Rooms & Pleasure Grounds”. The 100 year old Oak Trees on site provide wonderful shade, or you may choose to have a picnic by your car or club. If you are a car club and wish to put up a marquee, please seek permission on the day before installing – so the marshals can advise where the underground services are.

If you do not wish to being your own, why not take advantage of the local foods on site ? There will be food and coffee available for you, and decide what you would like depending on your mood at the time.

NOTE: no alcohol to be brought on site, alcohol is available for purchase from our local wineries and a local brewery, and must not be taken outside of the defined areas.

10. Do I have to dress up in period fashion ?

No, but why risk being the odd one out ! It is strongly encouraged that you do dress up. It is a bit of fun, and the organisers have gone to an effort to curate a stunning collection of pre 1980’s cars and all the officials on site will be in period race-wear.